We import raw materials and energy and export mainly industrial products. 我们进口原材料和能源,主要出口工业产品。
We are the exporter of long standing and high reputation, engaged in exportation of light industrial products. 我们是信誉卓越的出口商,长期经营轻工产品的出口业务。
We specialize in the export of Chinese Light Industrial Products. 我方专营中国轻工业产品出口业务。
China's traditional industrial products to the development and the development of new soybean products to a new stage. 把我国传统豆制品工业的发展和新型大豆制品的开发推向一个新的阶段。
Because this is not art, but industrial products for consumers, so they must take consumers psychological state. 因为这不是艺术品,而是工业产品,为消费者而设计,所以必须考虑消费者的坐的心理状态。
Steel and gasoline are industrial products. 钢和汽油是工业产品。
The output of main industrial products of qingdao are at local calibre. 青岛市主要工业产品产量数据为本地口径。
Some of these stocks have been moved to the position of industrial products, consumer goods in the area. 这些公司的股票已经被转移到工业产品,消费品在该地区的地位。
We are among the leading dealers of this city in light industrial products. 我们是这个城市中经营轻工业产品的主要商号之一。
We now export all kinds of industrial products. 我们现在输出各种工业产品。
We have been handling light industrial products for20 years. 我公司经营轻工产品已有20年。
Import and export of industrial products. 工业产品的进出口业务。
On the import side, industrial products have accounted for roughly three-quarters of the total so far this year. 进口方面,工业产品在今年迄今的进口总量中大致占到了四分之三。
In courses of Shape design of industrial products, Mrs. 在工业产品造型设计课上,Mrs。
The drop-impact data simulation of various industrial products is a very important application field in ANSYS/ LS-DYNA program. 对各种工业产品进行跌落测试数值仿真是ANSYS/LS-DYNA程序的一个重要的应用领域。
The demand for industrial products is'derived, meaning that it depends on the demand for consumer products; 产业产品的需求是派生出来的,其含意为,这种需求取决于对消费品的需求;
Trademarks have been given to single colours for industrial products, such as yellow for Post-it notes. 事实上,工业产品中,某些纯粹的颜色确实被赋予商标的意味,比如黄色就通常作为便利贴的标志。
Over the years, the optical lens control of industrial products to Germany and Japan. 过去多年,光学镜头的工业品为德国和日本控制。
The UK was a country whose industrial products were sold all over the world. 英国是一个工业产品售向全世界的国家。
We have been issued the national production license for industrial products and certified to CE. 产品获得全国工业生产许可证,并通过CE认证。
Industrial Products: food procesing, textiles and clothing, lumber, oil and machinery equipment. 主要工业产品:食品加工、织和服装、材、类、械。
Products are of two kinds: consumer products and industrial products. 产品一般分为两类:消费类产品和工业产品。
Plants also can be extracted aromatic oil, fragrance and other industrial products, daily necessities. 植物中还可以提炼芳香油、香精等用于工业产品,生活用品。
Wang says melamine, which is used in plastics and other industrial products, can seep into food through its packaging. 这名官员说,用于塑料和其他工业产品中的三聚氰胺可能透过包装渗入食品。
The company has received the ISO9001:2000 quality management system certification, QS national industrial products production license, and import and export certificates. 企业通过了ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证、取得了全国工业产品QS生产许可证、进出口贸易证书。
Our company exports industrial products, chemicals, medicines, etc. 我公司出口工业产品、化工产品、医药等。
Only this month Brussels increased tariffs on citrus fruits and imposed new anti-dumping measures on Chinese candles and certain industrial products. 就在本月,布鲁塞尔提高了柑橘关税,还对中国蜡烛和某些工业品实施了新的反倾销措施。
Besides car accessory, we also deal in clothing, apparel accessory and other light industrial products. 除汽车用品外,公司还经营服装、服装配件等其他轻工类产品。
Which are widely used for packing liquid, printed base material, products for export and industrial products, etc. 广泛应用于液体包装、印刷基材、出口产品包装、工业品包装等。